Content Marketing Tips: Get Your Small Business Noticed Online

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Content Marketing Tips: Get Your Small Business Noticed Online

2 min read

Every business needs a content marketing strategy. Whether it’s an internal effort, outsourced to a digital marketing firm or collaboration between the two, business owners need to ensure their products and services are being seen in places people are looking for them. In 2014, 93% of B2B marketers said they used content marketing in some capacity and that number is likely to increase this year.

Because this methodology is ever evolving, it’s sometimes hard to tell how to approach it if you’re new to the game. The easy answer is to hire a kick-ass team to work on it for you (drop us a line), but the truth is with a little elbow grease and regular schedule, small business owners can give their online presence a big push with these strategies: 

Make Your Topic the Best

Easier said than done, right? Maybe, maybe not. But taking the extra step towards creating content on any given topic related to your business or industry goes a long way in the eyes of both search engines and readers to showing that 1.) You’re an authority in your field, and 2.) You’re an active and contributing member in the discussion surrounding it. Find out what others are writing, reading, and sharing online. There are some great tools for finding out what’s trending and what’s being discussed online (if you’re not already seeing it).

Be Creative

You’re much more likely to be noticed online if you do something different. Even if it’s a small twist on a topic that’s been covered extensively, use your company, brand, or personal uniqueness to create a splash. Ask yourself what makes you and your business unique and emphasize that in everything that you produce. Whether it’s your take on the latest news around the industry or something that’s been concerning you about the nature of your business, others in the field may find that insight and information useful. Don’t be shy!

Do It Often, Do It Regularly

Things move fast online. Unless you’re proving that you’re a reliable contributor to whatever industry or field you’re operating in, people will find their content elsewhere. Make a schedule and stick with it. And if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Establishing a voice in a crowded space is hard, so don’t hesitate to reach out to friends and professional acquaintances to read, critique, and share your work.

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