3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Starting Your Digital Marketing Push
2 min readWe work with small businesses of every size and in dozens of different industries, but no matter where they’re coming from or how much experience they have with digital marketing, there are a few common pitfalls each business owner has fallen into at one point or another. To truly get the ball rolling on your online marketing effort, you’ll want to learn from the mistakes of others and avoid these bad practices if you want to find success in the digital marketplace.
1. Don’t Give Up On Social
Social media coordination for a small business doesn’t have to be a full-time job, but it does play an important role in establishing your business online. Even if your profiles don’t take off in the first few months of activity, don’t get frustrated. If you provide relevant, interesting information and content (hopefully related to your business) and put some extra money towards a Boosted Post or Likes campaign, your audience will come. But Facebook isn’t the only game in town and, as such, shouldn’t be treated that way. More professional, B2B companies should look to LinkedIn as their primary social outlet.
2. Don’t Expect Instant Results
The world of the Internet is synonymous with instant gratification, but like all other forms of marketing, results from a digital campaign are rarely immediate. Going viral is rare and success with viral marketing is even rarer – don’t fall for a sales pitch that promises it. Tried and true success comes from establishing search engine authority and focusing your efforts on obtaining viable leads, which can take time. Be patient and find the right team and your efforts will pay off with time.
3. Don’t Get Duped by an Expensive Web Designer
There are so many great, highly-skilled web designers that are absolutely worth their exorbitant price tag, but few are suitable for small business websites. You probably don’t need the same web design muscle as Audi or Nordstrom, so don’t pay someone who charges as such. So many of our clients come to us having spent thousands on websites that hardly function or are overly complex for their intentions. If you need a new website and have been considering a change to your digital marketing strategy, it might be a good time to come in for a free consultation with our team.